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Our platform

Build out a single, connected model of your business, so that you can plan, foresee impact, make decisions, and run your business all from one place.

How it works

Our platform is made up of customizable, connectable Bundles - pre-built solutions to specific business needs, which sit atop our powerful calculation engine. Choose bundles that are relevant to you, and configure them to meet your exact requirements.

As you add new Bundles, you build out a connected data model of your business. This enables you to operate from a single source of truth, and see how every decision impacts your bottom line.

Sales analysis

Use the Sales analysis Bundle to get real time 360° visibility on your sales, so that you know exactly how your products are performing across all of your channels. Get quick out-of-the-box insights, or customize your own reports to fit the needs of your business.

Range optimization

The Range optimization Bundle will help you decide what products to sell. It helps you understand product performance and customer sentiment, providing insights to help you optimize your product range for profit and growth.

Demand planning

Gain more confidence in your forecast with our Demand planning Bundle. Market events; seasonality; promotions; competitor product launches: Your forecast will take it all into account, by allowing you to combine data-driven forecasting algorithms with your own experience, knowledge, and gut instinct.

Become an early adopter

We are looking for customers to try out our product for FREE before it is generally available.