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See your business in full color

Analyze, forecast, and plan in one place, so that you can spend less time in spreadsheets, and more time on what matters to your business.

Say goodbye to spreadsheets and guesswork

With Kaleidoscope, you can finally have confidence in your numbers.

Optimize your product range, forecast sales, plan stock levels, and monitor continuously, all from one simple and affordable platform.

A connected platform

The Kaleidoscope platform is made up of connected Bundles, designed to support your business' needs. As you add new Bundles, more and more of your business analysis, planning, and operations can be done in one single platform.

Customer spotlight

Ben, VP Sales & Marketing, US-based brewery

“The team at Kaleidoscope is excellent at what they do. Their attention to detail and analytical processes allowed our company to gain deep insight into the demand for our vast product portfolio, allowing us to better plan our production and avoid running out of stock. This efficiency helps us maximize sales."

Become an early adopter

We are looking for customers to try out our product for FREE before it is generally available.

Meet the team

The Kaleidoscope team is made up of industry leaders, software engineers and user-centric designers who love solving problems to help businesses succeed!